Delia under the sails

From 30 August to 1 September, the 14th Masurian Regatta of the Konfederacja Lewiatan of Cabin Yachts of the Antila 27 type took place. It is already a tradition that DeliaSailingTeam appeared on the Masurian waters. Our team defended last year’s title of Integration Champions and Guitar Champions, and were additionally honoured with the title of Fair Play Crew, thanks to which they returned from the event as the team that received the most statuettes.

This year our company was represented by: Marcin Polak, Łukasz Zdunek, Sebstian Łaszek i Marta Grąbska. Marek Spiżewski took on the skippers role on the Antila 27 cabin yacht.

Despite the sporting rivalry, the atmosphere of the regata was extremely friendly. The evening meetings were a great opportunity to relax and build relationships in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. Such events show that sport can be an excellent platform for integration and the development of business cooperation.