
We act ethically


Helping is from the very beginning of the Dr Smich's brand inscribed in its DNA. Find out what more of what we do and how we share good!

# 1 - We give antibacterial gels to medical facilities that fight coronavirus.

# 2 - We support a variety of public institutions and foundations that need help in a pandemic era.

# 3 - We are a partner of a social initiative called "We Are Together. We Help" to help in times of the pandemic.

# 4 - We organized an action in the online shop under the motto: "Shopping that helps #everymilliliterhelps" - as many liters of antibacterial products our customers buy by the online shop, we donate the same amount to charity to fight COVID-19.

# 5 - We've joined forces with the Oltom printing house, which produces safety face shields. Together with Oltom printing house and Rotary Club Łódź we support the same facilities, providing them with comprehensive virus protection kits - gels and safety face shields

We have already


  • The Gajusz Foundation
  • Independent Public Health Care Center Central Clinical Hospital Institute of Dentistry at the Medical University of Łódź
  • Polish Red Cross - Łódź branch
  • Provincial Medical Rescue Station in Łódź
  • Mikołaj Koprenik Hospital in Łódź
  • Nursing Home Włókniarz John Paul II in Lodz
  • Home for Infant Children in Łódź
  • Luxury Medical Care ambulances
  • The House Foundation in Łódź
  • Heliodor Święcicki Clinical Hospital of Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznan
  • Neuropsychiatric Hospital in Lublin
  • ICZMP Development Foundation
  • Public kindergarten in Rzgów
  • Łódź Hospice for Children - Łupkowa
  • The SOMEBODY Foundation
  • Szpital Wojewódzki im. Św. Łukasza w Tarnowie
  • Schronisko dla Osób Bezdomnych MARKOT w Wilczyskach
  • Szpital Specjalistyczny im. Świętej Rodziny w Warszawie

Shopping that helps


As much of the antibacterial products you buy online - the same amount we will donate to fight the coronavirus.

We are a partner of a social initiative to help in times of pandemics.
